“You need to experiment and understand that different pigments have a different weight and how they will interact with each other. It is not the viscosity but the density of the pigment.”
Marie has had a busy year of exhibiting her work, doing commission work and running workshops to teach people how to pour resin.
Not too long ago, she finished a group exhibition at the Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour. It was a group exhibition that involved the art societies in Sydney.
Before that, she had an exhibition at the Children’s Hospital which also incorporated the works of the children into the exhibition. Marie donates part of her sales to the hospital.
“The exhibition went for three months and I ran two workshops with the children in the hospital, teaching them how to pour resin. We incorporated their paintings in the exhibition and hung them in the hospital so the children could see them. It was quite successful.”
Last year, her painting was accepted into the Mosman Art Gallery as part of a group exhibition. Marie also took the prize at the Hunters Hill Art Prize and her artwork was sold on the night. She also entered five of her artworks in five different classes during the Royal Easter Show. Her artworks were accepted and they we all sold.
Marie has another busy year of creating more artworks and inspiring other people to achieve their dreams, no matter what. She will participate in group exhibitions and will have a solo exhibition with dates and venues to be announced.
“There is going to be an Autumn period with a lot of group exhibitions. I will be in the Mosman Art Gallery and the Hunters Hill Art Prize, and the Royal Easter Show which is what I am currently working on. After that, I will be preparing for my next solo show, mid-winter,” Marie said.
If you are interested in finding out more about Marie Antuanelle and her work you can check her out on Facebook and Instagram - icons down the page; to get in contact with her about purchasing some of her work or her workshops. You can also find her work on the Block Shop
“I want the viewer to be puzzled, calm, to get the feeling of meditation. I want my artworks to be something that stops you for a second. To help you focus on your inner soul and get the feeling of, ‘Yes, I am here now.’ I want to drag you from your future plans, from your past and pull you into the present. Enjoy the beauty of the now and see how beautiful life is right now.”